Vintage Class

Friday, September 20, 2013

ALL in...100%...Committed

Was just thinking of a quote tonight ..."Wherever you are, be all there". Jim Elliot quoted that and I've repeated it numerous times throughout my life since I first read it, but I was thinking tonight-how many times do I actually apply it? Being ALL in, 100%, Committed to the Lord right where He's put me. I've rebuked the children of Israel over and over in my mind for complaining about bitter water right after God parted the Red Sea, but often I do the same-complaining about God not working the way I want after He's blessed me with so much already. It's a short and hopefully sweet thought, but how my attitude would turn if I looked at the currently "bitter" water from the reflection of the Red Sea. It seems to me it's just another way for God's glory to be seen, so I think the issue is how willing am I to wait and let God work...I can say it, oh how I can say it, but Lord, help me to LIVE it.