Vintage Class

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"And He said unto them, Go..."

Welcome to the New Year.... tonight was one New Year's Eve I don't want to ever forget...

In Pensacola, we have what is called the "Pelican Drop"..they get a huge crane and everybody in the city of Pensacola goes downtown to watch the crane lower the lighted Pelican...then everyone screams for the New Year. You are probably laughing about this, but people love it here lol. Tonight was the first night I've been and it's been around for the past 3 years now, I was just never interested in going.
This event I have heard nearly PRAISED from the city of Pensacola...a just "have to be there" let me tell you just what people are praising....When we finally got to the main drag where everyone was waiting to see the drop, I couldn't look in one direction without seeing someone drinking, smoking, or making out. The group I was in moved out of the street and over by a fountain to wait outside of the smoke cloud for the new year to roll in. While we were waiting a group of 3 guys, not older than 15 I think, came through the alleyway and the two on the ends were holding their friend in the middle up. At first, when we saw them, we assumed he was drunk and they were just helping him along, but they came back up the alleyway and sat down on a curb, and that's when we started watching all of them. The guy in the middle could not even hold his head up; his eyes kept rolling into the back of his head and  he kept falling back into the mulch. There was something definitely wrong, so one of the guys in our group went over and a few minutes later brought back the police. When his wife approached them they cursed at her and the scene progressed until we were only watching again while the boys parents showed up and eventually the EMT. While the EMT was checking him, he threw up on himself repeatedly and would go from having his head in his arms to just staring blankly ahead, with literally no brain activity whatsoever. An ambulance arrived and 2 more EMT's had to lift his limp body onto a stretcher and pump him full of oxygen. The police officer came over and thanked us for getting them and the young man who cursed out the woman from our group turned directly to her and said thank you.
I am not just telling this to be dramatic..I was sitting there watching all of this take place and I am telling you it is as if the Lord looked DIRECTLY at me and said, "This is America's you see the need?" I get so wrapped up in things that don't matter when this generation are marching themselves right into Hell. I asked the Lord to keep that young man's image tonight ALWAYS in my mind so that I never forget the need..that I never fall into the lazy train of thought that says 'Someone else will get um''. Why am I here? Why did He place me in full view of that entire situation tonight? Because I forget too easily and the Lord knew I needed an image stamped in my heart of a lost youth that would surface every time I give an excuse not to share the Gospel. If I am not living to bring that light, then what good am I? I am only a salt that has lost it's savor-that is henceforth good for NOTHING. I am starting this New Year on my knees before a Holy God who has been very patient, and I am begging Him to use me to bring the next generation to Him. That is my calling and I say to every Believer who reads this that we have been passing by long enough and the world cannot afford to wait for us any is time to OBEY.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature."

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