I had a much needed sweet time in the Word of God this morning and it came after a night of selfishness. I don't know if this is true with anyone else but when I speak for myself I know that I sing my love for the Lord, but when He is simply asking me to spend time with Him when I'm tired, or ill...then it seems the love is no longer there. That is not right...His love for me was so deep He took it to the Cross, and then STILL continues to love me even when I do not return that love. I was thinking about my relationship with the Lord today and I can speak about it all I want, but I want HIM to know of my love...always.
I am still in Hebrews and this morning's study was just refreshing! I think the Lord is convicting me about the passion I have for other things-not that I can't enjoy other things, but I pour into things so much and then find myself "too tired" to work on the actual jobs God has CALLED me to do! Where are my priorities? Christ is taking backseat and that's NOT right. Oh Lord, help me set my gaze on what matters-why I am on this earth! Hebrews 10:35-39 are an assurance of salvation for me! Verse 38 says, "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Wow..what is faith? 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I looked up some of these words on E-sword (an AWESOME Bible study program that downloads FREE online...it has been wonderful!) ..."Substance" in the Greek means what is says-"the essence"-what makes up, holds up, fills and establishes things "hoped for" (which means "to expect or confide (expectation or confidence)" the "evidence" ("proof-literally)- a conviction of things not seen! Faith is the "setting under; support" of all our expectations in Christ! AND the proof of what we haven't seen yet-think about it! How many times have you had faith Christ would keep His Word or answer a prayer in His time-those are all evidences-PROOF-not only of His past faithfulness but also of His faithfulness to come!! How exciting is that?
If He could work so powerfully and faithfully NOW-just think of what He will do according to His Word! i was thinking tonight...what are some of the evidences that result from my faith? The whole chapter of Hebrews 11 has been named the faith "Hall of Fame", giving examples of people who had faith and who God worked through MIGHTILY! What is my faith "Hall of Fame" for the Lord? These people were mentioned here as heroes of the faith, but as much as we consider them heroes God is lifted even higher through their testimonies, because HE is the substance of our faith!
I wanted in the short space that I have here to list out what God has done in my life...little evidences of faith in Him that will hopefully show You what they've shown to me as I reflect on them...that He will never cease to take care of me :)
July 2010: My sophmore year at PCC I felt like the Lord had led me to the intent of graduating with a Bachelor's in Advertising/Public Relations and then using that to work with the Academy of Arts Ministries. Through a very long series of missed courses and credits that wouldn't transfer, I found out that it was going to take me 6 years altogether to finish. I wanted to be at the Acad SO badly and couldn't understand why God was keeping me back. I tried every way I could to transfer out but none of my credits would transfer...I just wanted to graduate with my class and GO! I got down on my knees to talk with the Lord and I said to Him, "I will go wherever you want me to go-I trust You!" and He said to me, "Do you?" I said, "Of COURSE I do! ..You are God!" and He said to me, "Then stay." It was there on my bedroom floor that I submitted to His will and that year I met a young woman through the crisis pregnancy center where I worked at the time who was 7 months along and a Christian, but had no church and no family. The next year she became one of my dearest and closest friends; she came to be a part of our family at home and at church and I was privileged to be there the night she had her little girl :) If I had gone when I wanted to I never would have had a part in her life nor she in mine!
I finished my fourth year-the year I was supposed to graduate) and the Lord gave me the opportunity that summer to lead a summer drama team with the Academy. It was during the summer that Doctor Chavers called me and asked me to come on staff, also offering to complete my Bachelor's through the Academy of Arts. Every single one of my credits transferred, and a year later in May 2011 I was able to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Sacred Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design. I was thinking back on all of this and realized that IF I had graduated PCC "on time" and gone to the Academy like I had always planned, I would have been there in the fall of 2010 anyway...just like I was when I transferred. It made me think to the conversation with the Lord in my room that day...that maybe He just wanted me to submit and He already had everything else taken care of...how incredible it is to TRUST in the Lord...to have the faith that He works for our good and believe that enough to follow Him no matter how bizarre the call. I do not say this to lift myself up, but to remind myself that there is never an occasion NOT to trust Him.
There are so many points in the Word when the Lord tells His children to REMEMBER His works in their lives! Every time I get discouraged or doubtful I think back on all the Lord has brought me through and it brings me to the Eternal thought...there is NEVER an occasion not to trust Him! I'm going to keep thinking on these things, and it is my hope to add to this collection of God's faithfulness to me! I would love to hear of His to YOU as well! Tis' so sweet to trust in Jesus! Oh for Grace to trust Him MORE! Thank you for your faithfulness, Father!
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