I wandered all over kingdom come until I had convinced myself to buy a pair of frames from Claire's in the mall. I don't know if you've ever been to Claire's, but it's like a pre-teen explosion of justin bieber and "juniors" fashion...but I found frames there so I was standing in line...if you can just picture this...I am 23 and I am in the middle of a line of girls all under 14...anyway, the line was so long it was out the door so I had time to contemplate what I was about to purchase, and the more I looked at the glasses the more cheap they looked...if you are a Claire's fan, I'm sorry if your fashion frequent has been wounded...not everything there is cheap, but my frames were and I thought...I can do better than this with money Christ has given me...
So I put the glasses back and headed over to TJMaxx where they tend to have stuff like that made a little more sturdy. I found all of three pairs and about gave up, but when I walked out the door I saw Dollar General...if you know my family, we are HUGE thrift store people...we've always gotten really nice stuff, you just have to know how to look..anyway, the point is I didn't knock it, but I walked in and it was like the emporium of reading glasses...I actually found a pair that I liked and that was sturdy for $6...so I paid and headed to OptiClub...I've always gotten my eyes checked there and a few years ago I found out my camp counselor from Bill Rice Ranch worked there, so she was kind enough to give me a discount when I bought the first pair. Anyway, the man that worked with me was SO helpful, he looked me up on the computer and said he'd just charge me the same as the last visit and even give me and upgrade with lenses that prevented glare (awesome for wearing with the stage lights at the Acad!) ...so he closed the sale and then disappeared behind the counter and jumped up and seriously STACKED like every set of glasses cases he had in front of me and told me to pick one. I picked out of niceness but thought yeah right they are probably $400 so forget that, but after I had picked one I asked the price and he said no charge, they come with the purchase. So long story that I chose not to shorten, about 20 minutes later I had a new pair of glasses and a case all for $90 with tax :)
What is the point of this? I got in the car and I thought, I asked the Lord to give me glasses, both of us knowing I had a legitimate need for them. But not only did He just meet the need, He gave me the best! I like these even better than the previous pair and they were an even better deal! I was thinking about all of this on the way home and I thought, it is this way in my life. God knows what I need and like Doc says, "He knows my address"...He sends what He knows we need exactly when we need it. And if I take this to heart in every other area in my life...He will ALWAYS meet my needs...but let HIM meet them instead of trying to pilot the plane yourself! I think we will find that His plans are always the best, if we will simply let Him meet the need when He knows it needs to be met...if we will WAIT on Him.
I put a picture of the glasses below...one because i heart them immensely! and two because every time I wear them I will be reminded that God sent those right "to my address" today, and He can do the same in every other area of my life!

Love how the Lord meets our every need!!!
And I totally didn't know you had a blog, Jen! very cool! :)
It's just another proof of His love! And yes I just started it but I'm loving it so far! I didn't know you had one either...this will help keeping in touch lol!
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