Vintage Class

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Game

I have to record the epic happenings at the Logos Theatre would just be a shame not to :)

02-16-2012.... THE GAME

A few weeks ago, the staff and student women put our heads together in suggestion for doing something for the boys for Valentines Day..they do the usual "all-out, treat us like Queens" and we thought it would be neat to do the same for them. So we started thinking of something we could do for them that would make their jaws drop ;) We came up with "The Game".

During on of Mr. Hines Leadership class sessions, he told us of a human video game he created once upon a time for a youth retreat activity and he said the kids LOVED it, so Janie became the head mastermind and got started on the epic adventure that panned out tonight!

We kicked all the guys out of the building around 2 and had until 5pm to set up the entire building into a live video game. The guys got back at 5 and we ushered them into "Game Central" aka the Garlock Room, where I was assigned as the Game Guide to brief them for each round. I was dressed like a sparkling fairy guide lol and when I got up on the stool to make the opening remarks I don't think they knew what to do lol...I ending up looking like an ethereal hologram lol, so it worked. We told them they had entered the Game and were all digital forms now, having to play successfully through to exit the Game. After the first briefing, they were split up into teams of 4 and 5 and each team sent with a guide, (Kara, Hannah, and MG) who took them from room to room completing various challenges that would earn them "man points". They had to complete challenges like building a fire under a time limit being given only one match, relay races, a food eating contest, and then they ended with a timed event of four minutes per team,where each team had to act out a scenario to the music being played, with my trusty sidekick, Agent Paco, switching the music ever 30 seconds! It was HYSTERICAL and all "agents" were definitely trying to keep a straight face!
During the final stages of this game to end level 1, the lights shut off immediately and agents Robertson and Little came in and told everybody to hit the floor with their hands behind their heads. I wish I had a video of the guys, they all got really quiet and kept their hands behind their heads while agents scanned them for zombie infestation. We then briefed them on a possible zombie infiltration and told them they needed to prepare(all being VERY serious the entire time). They were all blindfolded and taken up to a security checkpoint we had created for them to walk through, after which they passed they received a "man card" stating they had completed level one and were now man enough to fight the zombies. Before they made it back, they had to drink a special "tonic" from Christie to test for infestation and if they gagged it meant they were infected (it was apple cider vinegar lol).

After they had equipped, we brought them back to the briefing room, which, along with the rest of the halls, had been completely trashed to insinuate an invasion had occured. We briefed them on the fact that zombies had indeed penetrated the game, and all game pieces were now
Level 3 of The Game-Zombie Breach
zombies, including their guides. (this brought an audible gasp..I mean they were REALLY getting into it!) We gave them the rules, that Zombies could not be killed or their digital forms would be void of exiting the game; instead they had to capture the zombies by blindfolding them and bringing them back to command central where all of them would be revived back into human form. (All during this time, our "agents" zombi-fied themselves) It was like an epic battle of laser tag mixed with capturethe flag, and they were hard core about it! There were only a few times I broke character during the game, and one was when I heard ben-jack say to one of our zombies, "It's ok zombie, we are here to help you"..hard core... so after level three, they all returned to the briefing room where we revived all agents, and noticed that 2 had been captured by a game hacker, who had taken them up to the E-bar.
It was now up to the husbands of the damsels in distress to save them, but the catch all was they couldn't do anything but give the orders for rescue, while their teams, all partnered and arms tied together, had to build the scaffolding to get them down. It was definitely a feat, and they did it! Eruption of applause and cheers broke out as the damsels and their husbands climbed down and were safely brought back to the front of the stage.

We ended the night with a briefing and congratulations to our guys for completing the game, and it was definitely a night that will not be forgotten! Thanks guys for the fun night and all the encouraging days you've brought before and we know you'll bring after :) What an awesome group God has blessed us with! May that continue!

Hologram Game Guide ;)
Levi up against agent Ohler for fire-building man competition
They got the fire started ;)
Agent Fike briefing on man points for her team

Guys getting tested for Zombie Infestation ;)
Agent Paco, my sidekick!

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