Vintage Class

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Being All There...

"Wherever you are, be all there"...A quote by the famous Jim Elliot. At least to me they are heroes the faith. I've been reading alot about the lives of Jim and Elizabeth Elliot and if there is anything that stands out especially it is that their lives were built on trust and obedience. A majority of their lives were spent in following direction they didn't understand, but they followed, trusting the guidance of their Creator. They lived what Jim Elliot quoted above-no matter what state God met them with, they lived to the hilt every situation they believed to be the will of God...wherever God put them, they were ALL there. That is what I seek for my life to be- a testament to God's exciting and powerful work! By this blog I hope to give testimony to you that God is very much alive and that maybe through my life you will see not only His great sense of humor, His friendship, and His love...but also His desire that YOU draw nigh unto Him as well...and when I look back from Eternity, I hope to hear my Savior say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" for being all there...


kevin said...

which books are those? cuz trusting on God and not trying to do it myself is something i've always struggled with

Being All There... said...

The two books that have impacted me the most are "Through Gates of Splendor" and "Shadow of the Almighty"...Through Gates is more the story and Shadow is specifically life and journal exerpts from Jim specifically. They have impacted me and are excellent books, but definitely because the author walked closely with the Lord!